信用卡的好处和坏处 信用卡的好处和坏处英语作文

老铁们,大家好,相信还有很多朋友对于信用卡的好处和坏处 和信用卡的好处和坏处 的相关问题不太懂,没关系,今天就由我来为大家分享分享信用卡的好处和坏处 以及信用卡的好处和坏处 的问题,文章篇幅可能偏长,希望可以帮助到大家,下面一起来看看吧!




































Credit cards have had bad press over the past few months of the credit crunch they only cause more debt and have unfair rates of interest. . However, if a credit card is used in the correct way and you keep up with your payments, they can be very valuable in many aspects.

One of the most beneficial aspects of having a credit card is that it can help you to increase your credit score. If you have little borrowing experience, taking out a credit card helps to convey to other creditors that you are a responsible and reliable borrower.

Another benefit of owning a credit card is that it can be easier to buy things. Some companies, such as those in the travel sector like hotels, airlines and car rental companies prefer payment by credit card, and some do not accept cash payments at all. As well as this convenience, many card companies give insurance on large purchases. An example of this is when airline XL went bust in September,

A more obvious benefit of a credit card, and one of the main reasons people apply for a credit card, is that you have access to money during emergencies. If you resist the temptation of spending the money on your credit card, you are left with a good sum of money to use when you most need it. You only pay interest on purchases or on cash withdrawals, so keeping a credit card at home (where you won"t be able to spend on it) can be very valuable.


What Are the Advantages of Business Credit Cards?

Easier to obtain than lines of credit, these cards can help

the all business owner conserve cash while still buying the equipment and supplies needed to keep the business moving forward. Surveys report that more than 65 percent of all businesses now have credit cards, and this number continues to rise. Of course, not unlike personal credit cards, the same warnings hold true: Business credit cards must be used cautiously and only for the sake of the business.

Although business credit cards typically carry an annual fee, it is usually rather nominal. A number of advantages are evident in such business credit cards, including:

Another advantage of a business credit card is that by using it, you are demonstrating the growth of business while promoting it at the same time. Even someone running a home-based business gains more credibility when flashing a business credit card.


How To Stop Credit Card Abuse

Consumer complaints about credit card abuse continues to increase despite clearly defined federal regulations meant to stop abuse. By knowing and understanding your rights, you can stop abuse. Let� examine four common methods of credit card company abuse and what you can do to stop the victimizing.

1. My creditor is charging me for items I did not purchase. Examine your bill every month to make sure that what you are being charged is what you ordered. If there is something listed that does not belong to you, notify the credit card company in writing about the disputed item. Federal law requires you do this within sixty days of receiving your bill. You must do this in writing as your rights will not be protected if you call in your complaint. Credit card companies have two billing cycles or 90 days to correct the problem.

2. My creditor regularly charges me late fees. You know that you always mail your credit payments in on time, but you just got hit with a late fee. If you are a customer in good standing, write a complaint to the credit card company and tell them you want the charge reversed. If this was a one time occurrence, your creditor will likely reverse the charge promptly. If you regularly get hit with late fees, make sure your payment is always mailed in well in advance of the date that it is due. Shady credit card companies will move up the day that your payment is due without your being aware of it. Always open your bill immediately and plan on making payments as soon as possible.

3. I was late with a mortgage payment and now my credit card company is raising their rates. Yes, as unbelievable as it sounds, some credit card companies have a provision in their contract that lists a Universal default charge. What this means is this: if you are late paying back a separate creditor, your credit card company can raise their rates. In other words, you have now become less creditworthy in their eyes and your rate has doubled or tripled! The only way to combat this problem is to pay off your credit cards in full every month.

To overcome abuse, you must take charge of the situation and respond in the proper manner. Good credit card companies correct their errors while abusers continue this practice. In the end, it may be time for you to sever your relationship with them.


Advantages of using credit cards:

Firstly, it is safer than carrying a lot of money.

Then, it is convenient.

Thirdly, we can buy something without pay money.


First of all, your code may be known by others.

Then, you must have a lot of bills. If you don"t pay back, you will be accused.


Today"s Web developer needs to have a thorough knowledge of how to build commerce-enabled Web sites. One of the most mysterious areas, for clients and Web shops alike, is the process of setting up a Web-enabled credit card merchant account. The gold rush of e-commerce has spawned hordes of pick-and-shovel peddlers. If you search for information on credit cards, you"ll find page after page of outfits, all offering to get your credit card scene together pronto and cheapo. All of them try to make the process of getting a merchant account sound extremely difficult and complicated (if you buy their product, of course, it becomes easy). I am sorry to say that not a few of these outfits are shaky, shady, or simply scams. What do you really need to get credit card transactions going on a site, and how do you find a reputable bank that"s knowledgeable about the Internet?

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